wonderbart !

idag sov jag i lillstugan ! heeelt själv, lite läskigt men jag hade tv:n på så jag inte skulle höra massa knakande osv.! och igår så hjälpte anna mig med en novell ;) hahah , maja sa att jag skulle skriva, haha där fick jag dig! gullungen ville vara med o skriva på min deckarnovell :P men vi hann inte färdigt.. på långa vägar, så det blir ett projekt idag!! men nu vill jag bara till sommarstugan, Igen !! o bada medans vi skriver! vi la ju i bryggorna igår så man kan ju ha papprena där ! smaaart ! jodå :D blev inga bilder heller, hade fullt upp.. ska väl ta idag kanske :)

hmm, dagens låt har jag inte haft på ett tag.. vilken kommer spelas idag tro !?

When my pass came in
You dropped the ball
It didn't change the way I feel
And I was wishin I'd break down your walls
The kiss will know if lips stay still

There is a line I crossed
Then when you missed, I lost
Im not a loser
Girl, you know that I'll be back again

My dear, I went for the steal
Maybe it was rushed
Oh, my crush
I gotta crush

I suppose that I could hold it in
But you excite my every cell
Sources say that senses are your friend
My senses say that I should tell
'You that im not ashamed
you might just feel the same

but you have to try it
if you're ever really gonna know
my dear, i went for the steal
maybe it was rushed
oh, my crush
I gotta crush

I want to
I need to
I have to
have you?
youre so much
to touch
Girl youre too much and I cant control it
You got me all over the road

My dear
I went for the steal
Maybe it was rushed
Oh, my crush
Damagin' my soul
You blew me off but I don't mind
I just get better with time

bra den ! GAVIN tjohejs


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