shoot some hoops

Det är EXAKT såhär de såg ut idag i bodas gympasal, GRYMT KUL !!!! ::D:D:D:D:

Stay-Michelle Featherstone

Mmm , den är bra. Om ni har sett på tvn, reklam till de nya avsninttet av cityakuten, den är med där, skön, sover till den.

Tack anna för hjälpen, blev svin bra:)

Nått tråkigt då, tetra festen blev inställd, för lite anmälda. FUCK. Jag som hade sett fram emot den, som fan också. Bara för de så ska jag ut på lördag, om jag byter med nån eller sjukanmäler mig, de skiter jag i . Jag ska ut.

Ja vad ska jag skriva nu.. ska se på film , vädret suger ju förövrigt. BASKET IKVÄLL !!!!! :D yeayy !
 solsugen också.. blir sen.

Nej, Hade/ uv-rebban

den nya headern?

You didn't choose to, It's just how your karma came.

I found you sitting on a suitcase crying
Beneath my feet,
I feel the rumble of a subway train
I laugh out loud,
'cause it's the one thing I hadn't been trying
The train came in breathless,
The passanger's restless
You say, "Baby, you'll never change"

You gotta get gone, you gotta get going
Hey, the world ain't slowing down for no one
It's a carnival callin out to you
It sounds like a song,
Hits you like scripture
You paint the picture
With colors squeezed from your hand
Weren't you the kid
Who just climbed on the merry-go-round
Hey look, the world ain't slowing down
Hey, hey, the world ain't slowing down
Hey, hey...

Out on the sidewalk,
Pigeon's do the moonwalk
I'll be dancing like Fred Astaire
The lamppost's are rockin,
The whole town's talkin
Like a fool in a barber's chair
And I get the sensation,
The joy and fustration
Like being caught by a tropical rain
Freedom can numb you,
When there's no place to run to
It feels just like Novocane

You gotta get gone, you gotta get going
Hey the world ain't slowin down for no one
It's a carnival callin out to you
(it's callin out to you)
It sounds like a song,
Hits you like scripture
You paint the picture
With colors squeezed from your hand
Weren't you the kid
Who just climbed on the merry-go-round
Hey look, the world ain't slowin down
Hey, hey, the world ain't slowing down
Hey, hey...

You packed up all your handbags,
Throwing off the sandbags
I let go and you stepped free
I didn't want to loose you
You said, "You didn't choose to,
It's just how your karma came."
But thanks for the vision,
And the twenty-twenty wisdom
It hit me like a south-bound train

You gotta get gone, you gotta get going
Hey the world ain't slowin down for no one
It's a carnival callin out to you
(it's callin out to you)
It sounds like a song,
Hits you like scripture
You paint the picture
With colors squeezed from your hand
Weren't you the kid
Who just climbed on the merry-go--
Weren't you the kid
Who just climbed on the merry-go--
Weren't you the kid
Who just climbed on the merry-go-round
Hey look, the world ain't slowin down
Hey, hey, the world ain't slowin down
Hey, hey, it's a big, blue world
It's a big, blue world
Ridin' on a big, blue world

Patrik 1,5

Here you come again
Just when I'm about to make it work without you
You waltz right in the door
Just like you done before
And wrap my heart 'round your little finger
Here you come again
Just when I'm about to make it work without you
You look into my eyes
And light those dreamy eyes
And pretty soon I'm wonderin'
How I came to doubt you

All you gotta do
Is smile that smile
And there go all my defenses
Just leave it up to you
And in a little while
You're messin' up my mind
An' fillin' up my senses

Here you come again
Lookin' better than a body
Has a right to
An' shakin' me up so
That all I really know
Is here you come again
An' here I go

All you gotta do
Is smile that smile
And there go all my defenses
Just leave it up to you
And in a little while
You're messin' up my mind
An' fillin' up my senses

Here you come again
Lookin' better than a body
Has a right to
An' shakin' me up so
That all I really know
Is here you come again
An' here I go


Here I go
An' here I go
An' here I go
Here you come again
An' here I go
Here I go
An' here I go


HAHAHAH JÄVLAR, alltså, jag skrattar så jag dör när jag ser honom, nils, från idol, har ni missat honom då HAR ni missat nått, galet, galet rolig, kan jag lova!!!! hahaha hans röst kan diskuteras, men idol 2008 utan honom, I don't think so !!!

Shut up.
Don't lie to me.
You think I'm blind but I got eyes to see
Mister, how do you do.
Oh pardon me I thought I knew you.
Would you stand back baby 'cause I want to get a better look.
The big man who couldn't handle the little bit of love you took.

Hey, hey, have a heart, hey, have a heart.
If you don't love me, why don't you let me go?
Have a heart, please, oh don't you have a heart?
Little by little you fade while I fall apart.

Oh Oh Oh darling, I love you so.
I told you yes, and then you told me no.
Baby, how can you say
You should be free and I should pay and pay
And you talk and talk about you and what you need
But sooner or later your love is gonna make me bleed.

Hey, hey, have a heart, hey, have a heart.
If you don't love me, why don't you let me go?
Have a heart, please, oh don't you have a heart?
Little by little you fade while I fall apart.
Oh, Oh.

Talk on, talk on, but love is what you need.
And sooner or later that love is gonna make you bleed.

Hey, hey, have a heart, hey, have a heart.
If you don't love me, why don't you let me go?
Have a heart, please, oh don't you have a heart?
Little by little you fade while I fall apart.
Don't ya know it baby
Have a heart
Hey Hey Have a heart
Have a heart

hon anna kan ju sjunga hela låten så jag kan lägga in den på min mp3 o ta på repeat.. TACK !!!!!

Baby I'm a cop, stop, put up your hands and surrender to me.

aiiight, jag anna o sofie var till sommarlagret idag, SÅG TVÅ SOFFOR JAG VILLE HA. men ena var dyr, den andra var billig... så jag o anna drar till töcksfors imorn o kollar på en affär där, JAG SKA FLYTTA, igen, för er som intresserar er, för gott den här gången hoppas jag.. Så de inte dröjer 1 vecka-3 mån, att jag vill hem :P

linn panikringde idag, fick jobba en sväng på dagis, var lugnt, fick jag gå upp iallefall :)

nu ska jag rida, ÄCKLIGT GÖTT VÄDER, så , hej hopp I GALOPP;D

MVH tönt rebban


I´m not your baby
no more
cause I let you go with none
let you go with no score
Well I´m not a baby
no more
with eyes full of sun, I´ll feed
my love you get bored

I get around
execept don't wanna spend my
time on you my love
Fucking get rid of this heartache

There won´t be no maybes´
no more
with eyes full of sun, I´ll feed
my love you get bored and I´ll
have my baby now fucking
D-chord, will beat it out of me´
I´ll feed my love you get bored

I get around.......

Bye bye bye, why can´t you die stop
living in my mind, cause everytime
I see a way to brake myself
free from you, stick in my head like glue

Am I a part of the cure, or am I part of the disease?

körde i oslo. var en riktig miljöbov............. de var svårt, de var livat, de var tufft. We made it through the day.......... !

Den som inga högtalare har, hon får gå med.. hörlurar. Fan, har förstört mina högtalare.. / if i could turn back time. hade jag inte suttit här o väntat på att ipoden ska laddas....

Nothing compares toooooooooooo höhö MOI


Jag som har känt, typ, inga problem i världen,  så får jag ett brev, det löd:

Teta Paks Årsfest 2008
Vi har nöjet att få bjuda in dig, och din käresta, till årets Tetra Pak fest.

Jag vill dig, verkligen, skulle vara svin kul!! men när jag läste, dig och diin KÄRESTA; VILKEN JÄVLA KÄRESTA. ÅH , kul, hej, jag kommer själv. åh. plus med min jävla otur, så jobbar jag säkert den dagen. fan...
Nej får höra med männen på jobbet om de är några roliga som ska dit.
börjar inte förrän på torsdag så..

jaja, de om de...


Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.

It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink. HAHAHAHAH

Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

Chuck Norris ordered a big mac at burger king, and he got it.

When Chuck Norris talks, everybody listens. And dies.

For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Chuck Norris, each testicle is larger than the other one.

If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his ass kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.

Karl Gustav Farfar Dan Remnér

Underbara, roliga, retstickan farfar... Vi ses ien, antar du tog med fia med knuff... spela det åt mig.
Tills vi ses igen, tja tja...<3

Jag måste lära mig från grunden, jag måste omvärdera allt

jag kan inte reglerna i spelet
men du får gärna komma hit

THE Speech

"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath, we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to what ever god you wish.
And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"

And baby when it's love, if it's not rough it isn't fun

Okej, börjar jobba torsdag förmiddag........ Kan inte vara med på Angelicas avskedsfest :((((( , FAN jag som sett fram emot de.... Röv.... började ju njuta av mitt liv som arbetslös.... Men, Lina fyller ju år också så måste ju dit o säga grattis sen till Angelica o säga Hejdå !

 eeeh, ja dom ja ;P

SEN JA LÄTT; Basket, status: AKTUELLT. Mhmm , Starring Coach Linn ;D


Wanna hold em' like they do in Texas, please
Fold em' let em' hit me, raise it baby, stay with me
Luck and intuition play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart !

Who will save your soul after those lies that you told, boy?

GAH , läste i tidningen , DOM SKA SKÄRA NER PÅ TETRA. Hm. Kommer jag få jobba där överhuvudtaget nu då? Fuck.

men, läste lite på manpower, det här låter väl lockande:

Som säljare för Lustshopen Homeparty bokar Du in (både via egna anmälningar på party samt inkomna förfrågningar via hemsida och annonser) partyn som Du genomför och levererar till värdinnan som sedan delar ut de diskret packade påsarna till sina vänner.

Det är en blandning på de partyn Du kommer att genomföra, en helt vanlig tjej- (även mixade och par) kväll, möhippor, svensexor, överraskningsfester och födelsedagsfester. Kan även förekomma företagsevents och ladies nights.

Du har med Dig en väska med produkter som glidmedel, massageoljor, sexleksaker, skämtartiklar, ringar och andra saker som gästerna får känna, klämma, lukta och smaka på. Information om produkterna samt detaljerna runt omkring får Du utbildning på.

I arbetet ingår att informera, svara på frågor och att finna gästens behov. Därför vill vi att Du som söker har ett öppet sinne och ett stort intresse för sex och samlevnad samt allt runt omkring. Du har självklart tystnadsplikt för att Dina gäster, på partyt, ska känna sig trygga med att öppna sig för Dig.

HAHAH jaa, kul !

Nej nu ska jag göra iordning här hemma, fan.. Måste flytta, nånstans:P IGEN.


So full of BEEEEEP

Jag trodde aldrig de skulle vara så här svårt o veta vad jag skulle skriva på resten av väggarna...
Vilka bitar ur låt-texter ska jag ha ? Vilka citat ? ska allt vara på engelska eller ska jag ha nått på svenska ?
fan .... Som jag sagt förr, allt låter så mycket bättre på engelska, det är så fint, det blir så klyshigt allt. Tycker jag .

Kom på nu att jag inte skrivit så mycket här på ett tag .. hm
men de finns inte så mycket att skriva egentligen, förutom att jag är ganska virrig, stannar inte länge på ett ställe, förutom här hemma ... Sorry för de men , ett erbjudande som jag fick är jag dum i huvudet om jag tackar nej till.

Vad lyssnar jag på nu då ?
Christina Aguileras nya - keeps getting better
Detroit Cobras - Right around the corner -----------lyssna på den om ni vill bli taggade, svårt o sitta still
Damien Rice-9 crimes, som ni såg i inlägget innan
Lionel Richie- Say you say me, fin låt förövrigt
CCR- Bad moon rising
Ray Charles- Hit the road jack, hahah den är rolig
Seal-Kiss from a rose

sen finns de ju massa mer..

Vad ser jag på nu för tiden då?
ONE TREE HILL, självklart...
sen vettefan, llite olika

Nej , nu ska jag kolla runt lite.. So long suckers :)

9 crimes

Lisa: Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Lisa: Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
With you.

Damien: Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
She's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Damien: Is that alright with you?
Give my gun (Lisa: it's not alright) away when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
If you don't shoot it how (Lisa: it's not alright) am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away (Lisa: its not alright) when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

Damien: Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away (Lisa: its not alright) when it's loaded
Is that alright with you?
If you don't shoot it how (Lisa: its not alright) am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright with you?
Give my gun away (Lisa: its not alright) when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

(Slight Overlap..)
Damien: Is that alright yeah? with you?
Lisa: Give my gun away when it's loaded
Damien: Is that alright yeah?
Lisa: If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it
Damien: Is that alright yeah?
Lisa: Give my gun away when it's loaded
Damien: Is that alright, is that alright?

D & L: Is that alright with you?

Damien: No...

Wall of fun

 Thanks you guys :)

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